100% Pure Ohio Raw Wildflower Honey
Straight from our hives to the jar!
Why Buy Local Honey?
LOCAL FROM STRONGSVILLE, OHIO: When people say you should buy your honey from a local beekeeper, that's us. Our bees are kept right here in Strongsville and at multiple locations in the surrounding area. Local honey has been said to provide allergy relief. When obtained as close as possible to where you live local honey may help build an immunity to some seasonal allergies.
As a child, we always had a jar in the refrigerator with a mixture of honey, lemon juice, and a small bit of whiskey for coughs and colds. A small dose of honey can be effective as a cough treatment.

What is Raw Honey?
RAW: Honeybees naturally add their own enzymes to honey and create a food from flower nectar that is truly remarkable. We do our best to keep it as close to the way bees make it. This means that our honey still has the original qualities that make honey so great.
PURE: It is possible to actually track the source of honey-based on the types of pollen still in the honey (or the lack of pollen). Typically, grocery store honey is pasteurized, ultra-filtered, and stripped of its natural pollen which extends its perceived “shelf life” because it’s slower to crystalize. Our honey still has 100% of its original pollen amount and is as pure as we can get it. Because all this goodness is still in the honey, it does crystalize faster than standard grocery store honey.
How is Honey Made?
With your first taste, you'll know that our honey is made from flowers. It's hard to deny that flavor and that floral taste is what sets locally sourced raw honey apart from grocery store honey. Putting it simply, it's naturally delicious.
Older honeybees leave the hive to forage nectar and pollen.When they return to the hive, the nectar is passed on to younger bees in the hive.
The bees dehydrate the honey and, in the process, add enzymes that convert the nectar into honey. Bees will also fan their wings near the honey to increase airflow and evaporate even more liquid. Eventually, the honey will have a water content of about 17-20%, down from a whopping 70%. The bees really do work for their food!
The bees cap the honeycomb with beeswax for storage once the proper moisture level is achieved.

All information, presented, herein is for informational purposes only. It is not to be construed or intended as providing medical or legal advice. Decisions you make about your family's healthcare are important and should be made in consultation with a competent medical professional.